Hey all. I have a ton of stuff to blog about: Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Christmas Tree Farm, Bella's Birthday, New House, New Baby, Christmas....wait...what? New baby? YEP! We are expecting our 3rd baby. :) We are so excited! What a sweet little Christmas gift. :)
Thanksgiving was delicious as usual. I didn't take many pictures. :( My nephew, Conner, loves Bella so much. I just had to share this sweet, precious picture.

I keep trying to back out of black Friday each year, but somehow, I always end up going. This year they opened Walmart at 10pm Thanksgiving Day for some of the specials. We decided to go to that one. Getting up at 4am didn't impress me. We stood in line for about an hour and a half for the xbox 360 with kinect bundle. We got one though! How exciting. Here is the line we stood in for so long. People are crazy. Really crazy!

We have been getting our Christmas tree from Motley's tree farm for four years now. We love it there. They have so many fun things to do. Well...this year was a little bit of a disappointment. :( We picked out our tree, cut it down, and rode the hayride to the front where our tree was prepared so we could take it home. They handed us the bottom half of the ticket from our tree so we could match our number when we were ready to leave. We went on ahead and let the kids play on the swings, pet the animals, have some hot chocolate and snacks, and do a little shopping in there store. We were done in about minutes and went to pick up our tree. We handed them our ticket with the number on it, and they looked and looked and looked.... No tree. Apparently, someone handed our tree to another person by mistake. WHAT?! Are you serious?! It took forever to find that tree...it's hard shopping for the perfect tree ya know. I was very disappointed. We had to go back out to the field and pick another tree...our second choice tree. We do love it though. It's very beautiful...oh and FREE. They refunded our money. :)

Bella's 7th birthday party was a blast. She wanted a "Pinkalicious" party. :) We chose to have it at Larry's Pizza. It was a great deal, and the kid's had a blast. The price wasn't bad either. Here are some of the pictures. It's so hard to believe she is 7 years old. Didn't I just bring her home from the hospital? :(
She also lost a top, front tooth!!!

Our house is coming right along. We have been picking stuff out left and right. It's very exciting. This will be our forever home. The place where our sweet babies will grow up....where memories will be made and cherished. Where each one of my children will come when they grow up and leave me. :( I can't wait to start making our memories there.

New baby Eastham. :) Wow. How amazing. Who knew you could love something so Tiny? Our first Doctor's appointment is December 29th. Please pray for this baby.

It's positive!
That's all for now. :)