Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Date Night

Kids, kids, and more kids. :) How about a night without kids? What a great idea...I think we just might take you up on that offer, thank you! My sister, Jessica, volunteered to come over and keep our lovely bunch so we can go to a movie. Isn't she a great sister/Aunt? I know! :) Don't worry...she isn't coming alone - she is bringing my brother in law, Stan, to help. They are just great. Here is a picture of the happy couple. I just love them. :)

Everyone should take time to do something fun/relaxing with their spouse at least once a week. Even if you don't have kids, stress can really play a role in causing problems in your relationship. Let loose and find that person you married...they can get lost amidst the chaos of everyday life.

Jenna! You are awesome!

Thank you every so kindly for inspiring me to blog...you are right...it is FUN! And...Just so you know, you are now my photographer. :) If that's okay. I just LOVE the pictures, and can't wait for more, more, more. Trust me, this is an exciting event when you have kids. Finding the perfect photographer can be tough. Thank goodness I have found mine!

This is just precious!

Last thing before I go ~

Gavin absolutely loves his daddy. What an amazing and special bond they have. I love to just sit back and watch, so I thought I would give you the opportunity to see it too. Here is the cutest picture EVER. Now, I must go and get ready for my "hot" date. :)


  1. yay! Thanks so much! Hope you enjoyed your hott date and that is the sweetest picture of Gavin and his daddy!!

  2. I just love this Moni and I ♥ that picture! I will be reading this so please keep at it. :)
