Monday, August 23, 2010

Bella's First Day of Kindergarten

Last week was a tough week. I cried, I lost sleep, and I worried, but I did it! I made it through Bella's first day of kindergarten. I have been meaning to post this since Thursday, but you know how it is. :)

I decided to let Bella choose her own outfit since she is a true big girl now. She did a wonderful job. Chris ended up taking the morning off work so he could witness this memorable day. It was so special to us. She walked in like she was an old pro. I lingered a little longer than I should have because Bella asked me to leave. :) She was just making a new friend as I walked out the door (not without taking a picture of course). She brings home the best stories about her day. We look forward to them.

Making a friend. :) That was the best part of my day...watching this...

1 comment:

  1. AW she looks so beautiful!!! I'm so glad you made it through ok ha!
