Sunday, September 18, 2011

6 months later...

So 6 months has gone by since I've blogged. Here is what we have been up to lately.

Over the summer, Bella lost 2 teeth and Gavin attended bible school for the first time. He probably should have waited another year. He was very cute though.

Bella is a first grader. She doesn't love school as much as she did in Kindergarten, but she likes it. I asked her if she liked her teacher, and her response was, "Well...I don't know...I guess I will have to get to know her better." I love her. She looked very colorful for her first day. She is a colorful person - it only fit. :)

She always manages to remember her brother while she's at school. :)

Every once in a while, I get the chance to have lunch with Bella. I. Love. it.

At the first signs of cooler weather, we headed for a picnic in the park. It was sooo fun...I love these memories we are making. :)

We celebrated my birthday today. I'm 29! Geez, I'm old! :( I woke up to a new dust buster and a cake. We also went to our favorite donut shop and had donuts in our pajamas. My kids are adorable. ;) I even got to have lunch with my friend, Nicki! It was a great day!

I love shopping for Bella. Period.

Gavin is always cranky when he has to be woken up. He likes to sleep until 10:00, but I wake him up at 8:00 every day so he will take a nap with the other kids. He doesn't like it.

Seriously, it takes him like an hour to get over it. lol

We are moving! Here is where.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that picture of Gavin after being woken up looks just like Jared when I wake him up. :) I loved, loved, loved lunch with you today on your special day! Just said we didn't take a picture and I could be in one of those pictures!
