I really want to be one of those people who blogs regularly and has witty, fun things to talk about, but that's more than likely never gonna happen. This post is mainly for me so I can remember things about my pregnancy before it's too late. :)
Lillian Ruth Eastham will be here in about 3 weeks. Oh how excited we are! I can't wait to have our first skin to skin contact and see her amazing face. Her skin and hair and tiny little toes... I am just overwhelmed by it all. This pregnancy has been so fun for me. I have no complaints, and everything has been so good. I feel great, no swelling, good weight gain, minimal heart burn, no rib pain, I can still breathe, she moves constantly...it's all so wonderful. I am so sad that it's coming to an end; it's bittersweet. I will miss everything so much and am not looking forward to how fast time will fly once she is here. I just want to stop time and play everything in slow motion. My baby boy is now 4, and my first born is finishing up her 2nd grade year. I'm not sure how I feel about having a 3rd grader. Each of their pregnancies seem like yesterday. I will never forget their stories. Bella introduced me to motherhood. That was the single best moment of my life. Her tiny 7lb 3/4oz body was handed to me, and that's all it took for me to be hooked on that kind of love. Gavin was the baby we dreamed about - the one we always knew we would have. He looked exactly like we thought he would and is his dad made over. What more could you ask for in your only son? :)
Dear Lilly,
You were the best planned surprise we could have ever asked for. We planned to have a baby forever and ever, and the timing was perfect. I kept thinking how close Gavin and his brother would be and how fun it would be for daddy. I never imagined the ultrasound technician would tell me you were a girl. Surprise! Oh what a rotten girl you will be. I think I must have known you were a girl the whole time because I could never come up with a boy name. Your name is special. Ruth is the name of your great grandmother in Heaven. She loved your daddy so much.
With our delivery date getting closer, it is now time for me to panic about what all I haven't gotten done. I still haven't finished your room. Yikes! Daddy thinks I'm silly for worrying about it since you will probably never sleep in there. :) I still want it finished. Little girls need pretty rooms. I think I have ordered just about every color headband and hair bow there ever was, your closet is full of clothes you may outgrow before getting to wear, and your custom bedding will probably just be for looks, but none of that matters. It's all about that first time we hold you, and the way you recognize me from the very beginning. I will ALWAYS remember that moment. Come when you are ready baby.
DIY Forsythia Spring Porch!
DIY Forsythia Spring Porch! Create a fresh and welcoming spring porch in
minutes with vibrant forsythia faux florals, a DIY wreath, a teapot planter
and ...
1 week ago
Love that baby girl and you! This made me cry!