Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Favorite Place

School is starting soon for my first love. She is an official big girl now, and there is no turning back. I am planning her "back to school" clothes shopping trip to ensure my sassy frass of a daughter has all she needs for a successful start in Kindergarten. All summer I have been buying her 5t clothing..."t" meaning "toddler". I can't do that anymore. You have no idea how heavy my heart is now. I don't want to leave the "t" behind. I'm not ready. :( I am honestly not sure I can do it.

I want to be past this all so I can stop crying...what a maniac I have become. haha. I cry over a school supplies list, clothing, a "back to school" sign at's a nightmare. I will not be able to make it through the day on August 19th (First Day of School). :( I have so much worry and anxiety for her. Will she make friends? What if someone is mean to her? What if she gets hungry or cold or scared or...? I wish I could be there, tucked inside her protect her. This is hard.

I have been spending a lot of time in one of my favorite places here lately - Bella's room. I sneak in there after everyone has gone to bed and catch her awake. We spend precious moments just laughing and snuggling. I hide my face as she asks many inappropriate questions that I'm not ready to answer, and I laugh at her way of looking at things. I love her. Although I will miss her "toddler years"...oh how I will miss it - I am looking forward to her "big girl years". She is amazing.

My flash is sooo bright! We had the hardest times keeping our eyes open and ended up exploding with laughter afterward.


  1. aw what sweet photos... She's just going to school, she'll be home at three, so don't worry just yet!! She'll have a great time! Which school is she going to?
