Sunday, January 31, 2010

Snow + a GREAT dad = FUN!!!

Friday was great! We all got iced/snowed in together (Chris didn't have to go to work). We enjoy those days sooo much. We are all kinda wimpy and Gavin is still too we didn't go outside and try to enjoy any of it. I feel it would have been a So..instead, we made red beans and rice, cookies, dumplings, brownies (thanks for the 5 lbs by the way)...and we made a fort, AKA "fork" as Bella was/is calling it. haha! Chris is such a wonderful I am sure blessed. Here are some really great pictures. Did I mention how blessed I am? :)

Bella was having a blast!

So was Gavin!

I love these two

Shadow puppets...sort


Gavin didn't know what to think about

Saturday, January 30, 2010


So...Gavin is standing up all by himself! He doesn't do it for a VERY long time, but we will take it. It's so cute. Here is our little guy trying to walk. It won't be long. :(

Bella was trying to help her baby stand up. lol

Thursday, January 28, 2010

It's time...

...for a new post. I have been busy lately and haven't had much time to update. Between the daycare, cleaning, and spending time with the family - I find it hard to be able to sit down and blog. :( I really like blogging too. I guess I will have to get better at it.

We went on a date again Wednesday night. We are REALLY enjoying these "date nights" provided to us by Jess and Stan. They are so wonderful. Wednesday night, we went to see Avatar 3D. I really liked the movie, but I had a headache. The 3D part wasn't helping either and it turned into a migraine by the end of the night. ouch! I hope to NEVER have one again. Migraines make me turn into a big baby. :(

Here are some pictures I took of the kids...we were bored.

I love my curious baby...

Bella's CD cover...haha!

Yes, Bella has an Edward barbie. :) We love him.

Bella was trying to kiss Gavin...

But, he pushed her

He tried to run, but she caught him on the cheek :)

He just looks defeated...poor guy had to get kissed by his sister...

Coming to tell me about

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Playtime Pizza

We decided to splurge and take the kids to playtime pizza. It was a blast! We had been there before, but never really spent much time doing what we wanted. We were always on a time limit, but today we were able to stay as long as we wanted. We got there at 11 and stayed until 3! We rode rides, played games, played putt putt golf, ate pizza and dessert, and bowled. We earned nearly 1000 tickets, but gave most of them away. :) Gavin enjoyed the crowd and ate a yummy chocolate chip cookie. He even got to ride in a few little baby rides. What a great day.

My Bella Marie

Oh are such a stinker, but oh so very cute. Here is why:

  • Every night before she goes to sleep, she says, "goodnight mommy - I love you more than anything". Then we blow each other a kiss and of course she has to put my kiss under her pillow for safe keeping. (I may accidentally put her kiss under my pillow too...what if I need it during the night?)
  • When she is talking about something REALLY big, she says, "hugenormous"
  • When we cook her one of her favorites for supper she dramatically replies (with her eyes closed and hand on her tummy), "mmm...this is the best supper EVER!"
  • She thinks Gavin is "the cutest baby sugies" (sometimes)
  • When she can't believe something just happened, she says, Well goshlee"
  • She still gets her "B's" and "V's" mixed up. (i.e. table is tavle, Gabe is Gave, tub is tuv)
  • She is very crafty and can cut anything out like you wouldn't believe.
  • She loves taking a bath with her baby brother, but sometimes won't admit it.
  • She says "up in the morning" way too much - "Where am I going up in the morning?", "Am I staying home up in the morning?", "Who is coming over up in the morning?" Oh my...
  • She stomps her foot, rolls her eyes, and storms off with the best of em...ha! We will definitely have our hands full later on...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Books are fun!

I just recently discovered how much Gavin loves to be read to. He laughs and sits quietly while I read. It is the best thing EVER! He even kisses the babies on the pages of the book. His favorite book is one that has different textures to touch and feel. He puts his tiny little fingers over each one and feels them. I just love this time I get to spend with him. :)

He loves the way all the different textures feel

He cracks up every time. haha

He loves to kiss the babies on the pages.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I haven't updated in a while so I thought I would just blog about "stuff". I don't really have much going on to blog about, but I have a couple of recent pictures I took. The kids are doing pretty good...the sickness is gone. Thank goodness! Gavin has a check up tomorrow at 4:00 just to make sure everything is clear. Just in the last couple of days, he has turned into such a stinker. He is sooo demanding and pushy. I don't know what happened to my sweet, precious baby...but I want him back! Bella has always been demanding and pushy, but in the last couple of days she has been so sweet. hmmm...role reversal? lol

Girls night at red lobster with friends/relatives...and...Yes, we did dress alike..:)

Me and Sarah

Bella and "Alexaner" - the two most beautiful girls in the world

I have trained her to you notice, she looks the same in every picture. haha

Still smiling even when she isn't

We decided to trust Bella to take our picture - she did a great job...until...

She got sidetracked...

I laughed forever...

We were all laughing hysterically in this picture because of it! lol

This is old, but I liked it. :) It's sweet.

Playing with my eye makeup...he was having a ball

Daddy's baby

Jumping on the bed is the greatest!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Bella and Gavin two favorite people...and yes...I am one of those moms that LOVES to brag on her children. I can't help it...they are just too dang cute! :) I hope they will always see how proud I am of them.

Gavin was sick all last week with double ear infections and a horrible cough. We took him to the doctor and he was given a shot and some more antibiotics to take for 10 days. Today is day 6, and he is definitely feeling and looking tons better. :) His cough is going away, and he is happier than ever. At the end of the week last week, Bella started getting a cough. :( I was hoping it would go away with a little help from cough medicine, but now she feels bad. Chris had to pick her up from Mrs. Karen's today because she has a tiny fever. It may be tiny, but it's still a sign of something. Poor baby girl. I will spend my day snuggling it all away. Here are a few pictures from today with the kids.

I decided that Gavin looks too freakin cute in his I took LOTS of pictures...:)

The best one tooth grin EVER

Geez...he is way too cute for his own good...

On a mission

A multi-tasker

Have you ever seen a cuter rat tail? I didn't think so...

He crosses his tiny feet all the time

Bella - just beautiful. This was last week before she started feeling bad

My favorite little girl in all the world

Not feeling too great

Poor baby girl. :(