Friday, December 4, 2009

The Holidays

Thanksgiving weekend was a blast. We celebrated with great family - we even had a "Millwood" Reunion! There were lots and lots of people there (50+). My MawMaw was the oldest I love her. She will be 95 on February 16th. What an impact she has made in my life!

Daddy and Gavin

Bella and Conner "cleaning up"

Everyone! Wow...that's a lot of people!

Maw Maw, Daddy, and his brothers and sisters (Unlce Bill passed on in 2003, he was the oldest)

Gavin loved riding the saddle...maybe he will be in rodeos? Ya never know!

We LOVE LOVE LOVE Christmas around here! We went to the Christmas tree farm last weekend (a tradition we started a couple of years ago) and picked out the best tree EVER. The weather was perfect! Gavin enjoyed his first tree hunt and Bella was sassy like always. Here are the pics to prove it.

Gavin enjoyed "helping" Chris put up the tree...

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year...I think...?

Here is a list of things I would like for Christmas:

1. More sleep (Please tell Bella to stop waking me up to tell me she is going to the bathroom - I don't need to know that)

2. Privacy (I would like to go to the bathroom without having an audience...oh and the clapping and saying, "yay!" when I potty doesn't help either)

3. Sanity (I have gray hair...nuff said)

4. More time (How and when did my kids get this old!)

Get right on that and thanks a bunch!



  1. hahaha i laughed outloud at your Christams list #2...that is hilarious!!

    Love the blog!! I'm so glad you have one!!

  2. I ♥ ♥ ♥ reading these Moni, thanks for telling me about your blog! :)
